I have a bad feeling Im going to end up being induced. Tips To Deal With Appetite Loss During Pregnancy. Here are some of their responses. Dates are also loaded with fiber, which keeps your digestive system working properly. Serve. So when is the best time to eat dates and what is the best proportion I just gave birth to my eighth child. I ate dates the last 4 weeks and had about a 4 hour labor from first contraction to birth. When I arrived to birth center after labor started, I was already 7 cm! Rebecca Dekker: Red raspberry leaf is also known as rubus idaeus [inaudible 00:02:07]. When my dr came in for my checkup she did not believe I just had a baby less than 24 hours ago. The 3 Trimesters. Today was the first day I ate them, and its so yuck! 2. Dates are full of vitamins and minerals. Please reply urgently!!! Do the dates have to be raw? Ill definitely let u know if they work. Steep . Red dates are an excellent source of Vitamin C. Another suggested that taking red raspberry . I ate dates at the end of my last pregnancy with great results (another quick birth and recovery, but most notably NO after birth pains!!!). So eating a handful of your favorite dried fruit isnt the same as eating the same amount of fresh fruit. My 3rd labor was 6 hours, only the last 2 hours were painful contractions, I didnt need an epi. thanks for great article and amazing information. Eating 3-4 dates before 30 minutes of workout allows a steady energy flow. Luckily I am still pregnant now, only 9 days away from due date. Plus they help with pregnancy constipation I really enjoyed this post! Highly recommend? My 2nd was 12 hours, which about 5 of those hours intense painful contractions, I also had an epi with her. My experiences with dates and labor: I ate dates from 36 weeks onwards and my contractions were not very painful. Reduces postpartum hemorrhage the way oxytocin does. The pains of labour drove her to the trunk of a date-palm. Eating Shrimp During Pregnancy: Safety, Benefits & Precautions, Dragon Fruit In Pregnancy: Safety, Benefits, And Side Effects, 9 Wonderful Health Benefits Of Passion Fruit During Pregnancy. Allah knows best what is good for us because He is the Creator. However, it is good to eat them in moderation in early pregnancy, especially if you have blood sugar problems or, In the second trimester, you are at a high risk of developing gestational diabetes. So easy and delicious. WebMD does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. What other moms have to say about dates during pregnancy, Date fruit contains saturated and unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic, linoleic, and linolenic acids, which are involved in saving and supplying energy and construction of prostaglandins. Known as a natural aphrodisiac, they contain estradiol and flavonoids that make it beneficial for healthy sexual functioning. I didnt do 6 a day since that is a lot of sugar but did 3-4 instead. 1. Thank you! This is my 9th baby, and my labors are always very fast. Please I am a Nigerian and where can I get red raspberry leaf tea for my wife. This is my first baby so I have no idea what to expect but if I can potentially ease labor by doing something as easy as eating 6 dates a day ill do it! Dates didnt do much for me in my first pregnancy. Goji berry and red dates herbal tea can be enjoyed hot or cold. Cover and simmer for another 5 minutes. Dry dates are usually used in baking and usually not eaten raw. How do you figure about the blood sugar comment though? A supportive provider and birth team will help you achieve a VBAC, if thats your goal! Agreed! Iron supplements, which many pregnant women take, can also increase the likelihood of constipation., Potassium. Would these dates be a good option? God promised David that his lineage would be Savior of the world. All rights reserved. Dates do not have any side effects when taken in moderation. Of course, you can begin eating dates earlier in your pregnancy if you like. In addition, triterpenoids have anti-fatigue effects. In the 2014 study, participants were given 70-75 grams (2.5-2.6 oz) of dates per day in three divided doses, which is equal to approximately six deglet noor dates. Thanks. 5. Dates contain a lot of dietary fiber, which helps with bowel movements. . I was wondering if dates are safe to eat during the first trimester? Now I quite enjoy my little snack. They can help curb your sugar craving while providing protein, iron, magnesium, folate. Her special interest lies in nutrition education, sports nutrition, weight, and chronic disease management. Just a few days before due date I will start them both (dates & tea) again to make sure we dont go past the due date because OB would want to induce, which I want to avoid. Potassium. Water broke right before babys head came out. Its probably a deglet noor. my first was an induction following a csection for posterior positioning. This fruit keeps the digestive system healthy, reduces the level of cholesterol, and regulates blood pressure. Should I stop eating dates? So I consider my actual labour to have started at 4pm when things really picked up (finally haha!) If one is Group B Strep positive, limiting ones sugar intake is a good idea. I have a box of rlt and would like to know when I should start the tea and dates. Not a fan, especially during pushing, which took 15 minutes.) Even though his head was bigger than usual due to coming so quickly not getting a chance to mold, I had no tearing. Thank you for your informative article. I guess they may have helped a littleI was 1cm today and the baby has dropped lower, and Im having more frequent and stronger contractions, but was told my cervix is still too thick. The red dates tea is full of benefits for new mothers, from boosting breast milk to preventing anaemia, and especially when it . So I either need to eat 12 dates to get to 70 grams or the study meant 6 pitted. I have always consumed pregnancy/RRL tea in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters and taken arnica tabs immediately after baby, so I knew that wasnt what helped, but I had virtually ZERO afterbirth contractions/pain after #4. Here are some of the health benefits of eating dates during pregnancy:, Dietary Fiber. They may help in the reduction of LDL cholesterol and high blood pressure, thus reducing the risk of cardiovascular issues. Just be careful with how early and how strong you start out with the dates and RLTea. Im nearly 38 weeks in my first pregnancy and just started eating dates. I would imagine that has to do with the sugar content of the dates. I skip the walnut but the date with the lebne is amazing. I usually would give birth several hours after arriving in hospital but not so this time..and 2nd stage was so quick. I should note that I also drank red raspberry tea but not everyday or in the first trimester. Want to get it? Dates are high in calories and carbohydrates, so be aware of the number you're eating per day. I ate 4-6 dates/day for at least the last month of my second pregnancy. Six dates per day is the magic numberprovided that youre eating smaller deglet noor dates. Try mixing them into a banana bread or smoothies. In fact it is quite easy to serve homemade red date tea. in Him was life; and the life was the light of men. John 1. Didnt deliver until 41 weeks, but my 9.2 lb baby was born in 3 hours, 20 minutes or less of pushing! 1 min read. No, it is not going to dilate your cervix if u r taking it very early . Good for when you want that to happen at full term but not good for being 30 weeks at risk of giving birth to a preemie! Did the date work for you? I think I will eat dates for this pregnancy too! Can the dates be cooked or do they have to be eaten raw? Four dates have about 6.7 grams of dietary fiber, equaling about 25% of the recommended daily intake of 20 to 35 grams., Dates can help relieve constipation. I felt like I started eating them late so I doubled the amount. Any helpful tips to eating them? You can do this! Luckily we had a planned home birth but mid-wife didnt quite make it in time. Amen. We'll tell you if it's safe. Chinese red dates, also known as Jujube fruit, are high in iron and therefore help to prevent anemia in pregnant women and babies. I dont see any reason to stop eating the dates. Im just wondering if you have anything to cite for this information as I would love to know for sure. Its also filling and can help you feel satisfied longer. One day you might feel energetic, and the next day you're fatigued and can't think clearly . Was so surprised I barely made it to the hospital. As per our strong editorial policy requirements, we base our health articles on references (citations) taken from authority sites, international journals, and research studies. Additionally, dates nutrition facts suggest that these dried fruits have good calorie content, and a handful of them can provide adequate nutrients to the mother and the baby. Thank you! But already being halfway there in terms of dilation and effacement Im sure it will only take a day or two for me to start things back up again. Keep dates away from infants at least until they grow older. This helps to release flavor and nutrients to the tea. Also for my other baby I got my feet zoned and I went into labor within an hour. In a stainless steel pot, cook yourself a red dates porridge (congee): 1 cup of white or brown rice. Also for optimal positioning consider seeking out a chiropractor who specializes in the Webster Technique. In addition, vitamin K helps a growing baby develop strong bones, and it can improve your muscle and nerve function. She is a philanthrop more, swati patwal, M.Sc. I searched far and wide for this info and cant find anywhere! I ate 4 dates a day from week 36 and am truly thankful. Red dates are known to assist in maintaining healthy blood pressure and assist the stomach and spleen in poor appetites. Am also in Nigeria and about to start eating dates. Chinese red dates are composed of dried jujube fruit (red dates). This is a list of 11 foods and drinks that pregnant women should avoid. Baby 0 . 54 mg. Dates are also rich in potassium, a mineral that helps relax blood vessels and reduce blood pressure. Would you please spare some words of advice to my wife because she tends to disregard my scientific approach to .. everything. I didnt even know when I reached active labour as everything sped up overnight and I didnt make it to the hospital in time!!! They can greatly help ladies during menstruation, pregnant mothers who struggle with anemia, boost energy for mothers who have given birth and can increase breast milk production. I know that doesnt help with the number of dates were supposed to eat, but its a quote from the Quran where God tells Mary to eat dates while shes in labor. I faithfully ate the recommended amount of dates each day from 35 weeks on and my nurse and Doctor both commented on how soft my cervix was! I pushed two times, no tearing and there she was! Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. 2 hour labours, pushed once, no time for epudural thats how quick things went. Third child I was too scared to do anything to make labor faster as I didnt want to have the kid in the car! Its unlikely that the dates alone would cause a baby to be on the large size but, for your own peace of mind, I 100% understand why youd avoid them in the future. My labors were all very quick (each four hours from the first contraction to delivery). Take each date and use a pointy scissors or a small paring knife to create few slits, around 5-7, around the edge on one end of the dates. Would be nice to know. Hello all, Hello! Just hit my 20wk mark and wondering if it would be beneficial to start eating them now! These studies are just emerging of recents, however, it was mentioned over 1400 yrs back that when Mary the mother jesus (pbuh) went into labour she was sent dates by God to relieve her of the pain. Dates are one of the sweetest types of fruits. Ive been eating dates almost every day for the past 3 weeks, and I just had my 39-week exam. Either one is fine, but if youre eating the larger medjool dates, you only to need to eat around three per day. I m in my 7th month of pregnancy .I m eating dates from long time.But I hv no idea how much to eat dates 7,8,9 months pregnancy for normal painless with healthy baby birth. Besides, it is rich in calcium, serotonin, and tannins, which may contribute to an expectant mothers overall well-being, Excessive date intake can cause abdominal issues in sensitive individuals. 2. I am in my 19th week of pregnancy and I want to eat a lot of dates, but my family advised me not to eat a lot because according to them it opens the cervix, I would like to know if is it true or not. Try eating your daily dates with peanut butter (or any nut butter) and a little sea salt. Dates are shown to balance insulin , so you should be able to get away with eating them, yay!If you can start slowly, test your blood sugar tolerance? One small study found that taking red raspberry leaf pills starting at 32 weeks pregnant shortened the second stage of labor (but not the first stage) and reduced the need for forceps. Was very useful comment and ppls stories. Apart from the said medical effects, red dates also can help improve skin become tender and smooth. (Thanks, pregnancy brain fog.) My first childbirth wasnt funny at all. High in fiber, which can benefit digestive health and prevents constipation (great for pregnancy and postpartum!) In a day. I have access to fresh and prefer them largely over dried. No wonder many Chinese women like to have red dates tea once for a while. If miriam mary was a virgin, then why does the new testament go through the trouble of documenting the lineage of Joseph in attempt to prove that he is from the line of King David, subsequently attempting to prove that J could be the messiah? (Food & Nutrition), MBA, Swati Patwal is a clinical nutritionist, a Certified Diabetes Educator (CDE) and a toddler mom with more than a decade of experience in diverse fields of nutrition. Let the tea cool off a bit and then add 2 TB of raw manuka honey. She is a philanthropist passionate about making a positive impact in public health through nutrition. It's typically diagnosed after an individual develops multiple pregnancies at once. Put in refrigerator until use. Dates are also a rich source of potassium, an electrolyte mineral that helps keep blood vessels relaxed and blood pressure lower. This was to also fulfill prophecy that the mother of the Savior would be a virgin. Labored for 18hrs with first child. I read that and was confused. In fact, consuming chia seeds in pregnancy can potentially help you meet several of your. I was taking a homeopathic easy birth spray ( which I had taken for my previous 3 pregnancies). Bird nest can be prepared with red dates and wolfberries. I love dates and i would totally eat more however they have a lot of sugar. Reduce the heat to Low and simmer for 20 minutes, or until the tea reduces to about a cup. I still think about the birth as an amazing experience. Here are a few specific benefits of eating dates during pregnancy: Dates can be eaten at any stage of gestation. (My first time getting one. Ive heard from some people that its only the medjool dates. Knowing dates nutrition facts can help you understand the benefits of consuming it during pregnancy. How did it go? Dates offer a number of health benefits especially for pregnant women. These power-houses of nutrition help during both pregnancy and labor. I pushed for less then a half hour, my labor went so smoothly. Jacobs line, as we know, became Jews and then Christians. My first pregnancy was 9 hours, but I was induced and had an epi. 1. You can find more details on Chinese red dates in Chinese Dates: A Traditional Functional Food (13). How did your birth experience go? I blame that on the dates and tea. But Id be careful of eating too much if youre overly sensitive to sugar. Protect the liver. I did both starting around 25 weeks and at 30 weeks I went into preterm labor! I LOVE making date/nut bars but I typically stay away from them while pregnant due to the diabetes is there a way I can ge the benefits of dates without a spike in blood sugar? Pregnant women are at a higher risk of iron-deficiency anemia, and need twice the amount of iron as those who arent pregnant. I ate dates from about 34 weeks on for my second pregnancy. I had a 12 lb baby. How Chinese red dates can benefit your health. I am not a doctor though, and she does not trust me. No wonder it is mentioned in the Quran Allah ordered Mary (mother of Jesus the prophet) to shake the palm of the date trees durng her labour, so that the date fruits will fall off and she would eat the dates to ease her childbirth. Will definitely do it again (even though I dont really like the taste!). Some experts worry the stimulating effects of the tea on the uterus could cause a miscarriage early in pregnancy. I went into labour technically around 8am but they were mild contractions. TOTAL (including pushing) with my first baby! When taken in the third trimester, dates may aid in the ripening of the cervix and ease labor. I have a scientific education, while my wife does not as she studied humanities all her life. i am in my 35 weeks, please can i eat the dry dates without combining with anything else? They improve the nutritional quality of a mothers milk and prevent hemorrhages after delivery. Any clarification would be great! Red Date Tea (300 ml) 6 pieces of red dates. I know it says 36 wks but wanna just starn now! When my OB did the pelvic exam, she said that I was 75% effaced and 2-2.5 cm dilated. Date is good generally. Five benefits of eating nuts and dried fruits. Im not sure if youre still commenting, but Im 41 weeks today- FTM, and WAS eating 6 dates a day pretty much from 36 weeks on. 1. I cant let her risk developing diabetes when only few weeks are remaining. Candace Ive been telling everyone about my experience with dates!! It definitely helped with dilating and thinning. It has about 30% fewer calories than regular sugar. Thank you! I think it definitely helped me the second time! Then she worked as a nutrition faculty and clinical nutrition coach in A hormone secreted by the pituitary gland to stimulate contractions during childbirth and lactation, A group of lipids with hormone-like actions that help induce labor in pregnant women, Unusual and uncontrolled blood loss after childbirth, A bacteria with a potential to cause serious infections and found in the digestive and genital tract, Side Effects Of Eating Too Many Dates During Pregnancy, A water-soluble vitamin commonly known as vitamin B6, Commonly called vitamin B5, helps break down fat in the body, Commonly known as vitamin B1, responsible for the growth, development, and function of various cells. Chia seeds are a superfood packed with many great benefits. May promote natural labor . The effect of late pregnancy consumption of date fruit on labour and delivery. Thank you for the suggestion, I have both yogurt and walnuts and so want to try that as a snack! Since she is at risk of diabetes, she should definitely stay within 25g of TOTAL sugar intake per day, therefore, I would say, she should not eat more than 1 or max 2 dates per day, assuming she is very careful with her food and doesnt eat much fruit or drink juices. From usually long labours to this time giving birth not quite one hour after arriving at the hospital. Every Thursday I send an email with three quick tips to brighten your day and help you and your family lead a more natural life. 2 tablespoons rock sugar chips (I found these at Teavana), Chinese rock sugar , or brown sugar. This is also one of the remarkable benefits of dates for women. each baby hairs their own timing. Im not sure but it wont hurt to eat them anyway. I have started making date balls.I combined a few recipes I found online. A study of mothers and their children found that high-sugar diets during pregnancy can affect a childs brain function. Date fruit consumption at term: Effect on length of gestation, labour and delivery. I have delivered normally twice for my 1st and 2nd gravida. Your doctor works for YOU! Hi Im 33 wks along also When will you start eating them? 20 minutes later my daughter was born at 4:21 pm. As a first time mom, I have quite an impressive labor and delivery. Theres no evidence suggesting that dates have a negative effect during the first, second, or third trimester of pregnancy. As a result, you are less likely to suffer from pregnancy-related constipation. Eating together is prone to cold and heat. This tea is said to aid digestion and give a boost to your immune system. Jujube Tea Benefits. she is healthy and fine. Medjool dates can be up to 2 inches long. Add the water to a small pot along with the ginger and dates. I definitely will try it out again for the second. Nervous System Booster. (2011). Also studying Ju Ju Sundins book Birth Skills helped me once more empowering. Give it a try ladies!! I did this with my fourth, MUCH different experience than my first 3! The most important benefits of jujube tea may include its possible ability to relieve constipation, strengthen the immune system, boost bone health and increase circulation, among others. I ate 6 dates a day from 36 weeks and had a pretty easy birth, although eating them didnt stop me going over due unfortunately. I was in labor for few hours at home and didnt even notice it. I am definitely going to try it out! Try to look at below recipe in creating the tea: Ingredients: 3 dried red dates; 1 teaspoon of honey; 1 cup of 300ml water; Instructions: Boil cup water and while boiling take the red dates and rinse well. Is also wondering if you can use Deglet Noor dates? having been going on for the past 2 weeks. Knowledge is empowering, and discussions are liberating. It is said that combining dates and cucumber leads to a great gaining weight result. And it did seem to help me have the peaceful natural births I hoped for. It has been regarded as one of the most nutritional ingredient even during the ancient times. Im curious if there is a difference between fresh and dried dates. I started last week at 36 weeks. All rights reserved. My regular contractions started at 9pm (38 and 5 days), checked in at 11:50 dilated 9cm and I delivered at 12:24 after 10 mins of pushing. Low GI food. For this reason, one precaution is the (very unlikely) risk of having an allergic reaction to dates. Not only was it my first birth but I didnt do hardly any other tricks to help prepare me for birth. Thats right, God loved Mary and Jesus, who were both Jewish. Add the two slices of fresh ginger while the drink is still hot. Labor was 16.5 hours and quite bearable, only about 10 minutes of pushing. Im fairly sure the studies were for raw dates. I always joke that the only reason my labors were quick and easy was because of my date obsession. Just of a cup of dates provides 12 percent of a person's . Foods to eat with red dates and their benefits to you. I was wondering about this. This article sparked lots of debate and arguments with my wife. I am 25 week now. Jujubes can also help inhibit the effects of hepatitis for those who . This is a great gift idea for pregnant women. I was hospitalized for 2 weeks with several interventions to stop the progression of labor. Yep, some woman just make bigger babies. I had a slow progressed labour which i was finaly induced and ending up with a c section. Please help a sister out. Does this need to be a specific kind of date? This can lead to complications. In the last hour tge contractions were intense and painful but were very mild for the first couple hours (I wasnt even sure if I was in labor at the begining). Dates can contribute significantly to a healthy pregnancy as it prevents the risk of having anemia, helps cope with morning sickness, regulates blood pressure, regulates blood sugar levels, helps restore depleted calcium, eliminates harmful toxins, and supports the immune system. TCM herbs that can help to boost fertility. Hi, Im having the same problem deciding whether to eat 6 dates or 75g per day which are very different amounts for the dried pitted deglet noor dates I bought. from eating dates. Published in the Journal of Midwifery & Reproductive Health, this study looked at date consumption in late pregnancy as it related to cervical ripening, and found that women who ate 70-75 grams of dates per day after 37 weeks pregnant had: 50% higher Bishop scores at . You don't need to core the red dates and just leave the pits inside. Does it have to be organic and also, is it still likely to be beneficial if I eat deglet dates instead of madjool? Fingers crossed for a quick and east labor!! I ate the recommended amount of dates the last month of my pregnancy and I think it definitely made the labor easier than it could have been. The same was in the beginning with God. Pls advice, I am 38weeks pregnant, baby weight is 3.62, can I still start eating date? Arrived to a hospital at 1 pm already 6cm dilated. ; Relief from constipation: As dates are rich sources of fiber, they keep the digestive system healthy and help to relieve . Iron. 3. Joseph (stepfather of Yeshua aka Jesus) was the downline of David. Published in the Journal of Midwifery & Reproductive Health, this studylooked at date consumption in late pregnancy as it related to cervical ripening, and found that women who ate 70-75 grams of dates per day after 37 weeks pregnanthad: 3. Evidence from randomized control trials has shown that consuming date fruit could help in the ripening of the cervix, which may reduce the duration of labor, thus reducing the need for oxytociniXA hormone secreted by the pituitary gland to stimulate contractions during childbirth and lactation and prostaglandinsiXA group of lipids with hormone-like actions that help induce labor in pregnant women to induce labor (1). This time around I am back to eating my dates! 10 lbs 5 oz, no tearing. Bring the rice with the red dates in it to boil and simmer until the rice is over soft. I bought the brand food to live, great soft dates. Dates can also be used as a substitute for sugar. Red dates contain much iron that can help women get speedy recovery from delivery and menstruation. Iron: 5% DV. You can find more recipes here! This tea also benefits postmenopausal women. Chinese medicine has recognised the health benefits of jujubes since the earliest classic Chinese medicine texts of Huangdi Neijing (475-221 BC) and Shennong Bencao Jing (300 BC-200 AD). And are people on here biased too? These are the very reasons why women have been drinking red dates longan tea during their menstruation or confinement period . Thank You! Yes u can eat from day one but you start with less like 3 then add as months goes but avoid eating too much more than 7 dates per day to avoid sugar diabetes sometimes its a risky to eat too much sugar per day for pregnancy women, This is a timely post for me it encourages me to get through that last box of dates in my fridge. Top Treatment Tips, Ovulation Tool: Find Your Most Fertile Days. 1/2 cup dried seedless Chinese red dates (jujubes) 6 cups water. Dates are a healthy and delicious snack, so how can you add them to your diet? She is now on her 35th week, and so far we have been very good in reducing sugars and carbs by measuring everything.