So yeah i know Arthur dies in RDR2 in chapter 6 and i already completed the epilogue also. More of its ranks die, its enemies come closer to finding it, and it's forced to live in increasingly desolate conditions. Unfortunately,Hamish dies and gives his beloved horse, Buell, to Arthur as a parting gift. You can also find Jonah on Looper, where he writes about his favorite TV and Movies. Do you get to keep unique hats? It all calls back to the tagline of both games that Dutch would also occasionally mention at camp: "Outlaws to the End. You can visit Micah Bell, back at the cabin where you last confronted and killed him. When you look past all the random chaos, UFOs, and other awesome Easter eggs, there's an amazing story connecting the Van der Linde gang. Dutch ultimately leaves them both, unable to choose between them. If you help John get away, Micah will fistfight Arthur on a mountain top. I heard that atsome point in the game, we lose all of our money and possibly other possessions (can someone clarify this?). Eagle Flies is a young Native warrior who gets caught up in the Van der Linde gang and the U.S. Army. Tilly Jackson can be found in Saint Denis, married to a wealthy man and visibly pregnant. That's where you can find the grave of Arthur Morgan. Well that's more than you could ever spend.. why would you need any more? Maybe Arthur can beat the odds and overcome the disease with his inexhaustible reservoir of grit and rough-cut masculinity? The last part of the game's main story involves a final standoff with Dutch emerging from Micah's shack on Mount Hagen, having recently partnered up with him for the first time since Arthur's death. There's a reason why the scene in which Arthur receives his diagnosis (along with a healthy shot of what one can only assume is either cocaine or an amphetamine) is so awkward and somber. It's part of the story, you get it no matter what. Yes. John and Sadie will open a chest, claiming a fortune in gold and money. Towards the end of the game, most believe John Marston is all but dead and Milton has kidnapped Abigail. November 11, 2018 in Red Dead Redemption 2. Downes is working in the garden. Red Dead Redemption 2 includes six main story chapters, but once these are complete there is still more game to come. The weapons u keep them all. Your horse can also die if it is killed in a firefight or by falling from great heights. Even with the benefits of modern medicine like antibiotics and vaccines, if someone's inactive, "latent" TB develops into the active kind, it's still a serious issue. How can i get my money back? There's cigarette cards, which you can collect and sell as a set. There are also nine graves to be foundfor the deceased members of the Van der Linde gang. Reddit community for discussing and sharing content relating to Red Dead Redemption 2 & Red Dead Online. MOST side missions - I still had the side mission with the mayor of St. Denis active when I finished Arthur's story. Hamish Sinclair, the one legged veteran who Arthur helped by lassoing his escaped horse, will take John fishing. Most of them are doing quite well. Approach the man and allow him to attack the hero (Downes attack will fail). If you choose to help John out of the situation, you'll get this ending. You can also visit the Fence and access the crafting menu; lots of the talismans, which are used to buff your health, stamina, and dead eye, require a spare animal part, such as a bison horn or an alligator tooth. In the latter stages of the fight, Dutch intervenes; Micah and Arthur make pleas for Dutch's soul. The short exchange between Arthur and Thomas seems minuscule in the context of Red Dead Redemption 2's escapades, or even the other debts to collect, but it's integral to the main plot. RDR2 bad ending involves you going out for money by going back to the camp. Hisfinal words to Johnreveal his paradoxical core, having failed to suppress both the changes in the world and his own savage nature. After having so much money as Arthur.. when playing as John Marston i find myself broke. Get your money after Arthur dies. : r/RDR2 - reddit You only really lose your horses, you get everything else back. Dont go back as arthur. No matter how the game is played, Red Dead Redemption 2 always ends with Arthur Morgan dying, but it turns out that his grave changes depending on his honor level. Plus, if you did all the strangers as Arthur, you'll come across them as John with dialogue about the past. Does it depend on anything, or it happens no matter what? How Red Dead Redemption 2 Remembers Arthur Morgan Post-Story, Even Ubisoft Bows To Rockstar & Red Dead Redemption 2, Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 3 Ending Explained, Spider-Man & Mary Jane's Romance is Officially Over, Sheldon Tries To Deliver Mandys Baby In New Young Sheldon Season 6 Clip. Charles survives the story of Red Dead Redemption 2. Your horses never return but you can easily just buy more of the same breed and build them back up to max level in no time at all. 665. Your actions do have an impact on how he dies but you cant prevent his demise. There will also be an eagle sitting on top of the grave. The epic journey is nearly at its conclusion. 1 Answer. When you die in Red Dead Redemption 2, your horse will be brought back to the stable that you last saved at. All of this, combined with John's inadequate parenting skills, results in Jack being a bit of a recluse during his teenage years, who finds himself enjoying fantasy books and desiring the quiet life of a writer away from the horses and lassos. Red Dead 2's End Credits Story Explained - IGN You can glitch over to that side of Rio Bravo, but there's not much there: Rockstar obviously built the stuff from a visual perspective, not a gameplay one. The life and death of an outlaw. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. While not part of the gang, Eagle Flies' grave can be found at Donner Falls. Red Dead Redemption 2: Finished the story - can I keep playing? Can you find Dutch after killing Micah? John and Sadie leave with the Blackwater money, returning to John's ranch, where Abigail, Jack, and Uncle are waiting. I lost all my herbs, my perfect rat, and a few birds as well at the end of everything. His second-in-command, Agent Ross, ends up being the primary antagonist of Red Dead Redemption. However, the nature of the game's branching endings and binary honor system begs the question: Can Arthur be cured of tuberculosis in RDR2? In total, Red Dead Redemption 2 has four distinct endings. He's no longer acting vile to everyone, and his interactions become much more pleasant. You don't get your money back, the only way you would is if throughout the game you were under $20k. Dutch knows Micah betrayed him, which is why Dutch turns his back on Micah during the good ending of Red Dead Redemption 2 after Arthur Morgan dies. The tomb is next to the Mysterious Hill Home and is located on top of a mountain, making it slightly tricky to climb to get to the top. As John Marston, Thomas Downes, and even Clint Eastwood's character William Munny in the film Unforgivensuggest, living as a farmhand/rancher during this time is full of low-paying, tough work. You can still get them after, but you need the legendary and perfect pelts to make them just like during the story. If the game's story progresses to a certain point, however, the effects of Arthur's TB will still start to set in. Do guys have to wash their hands after peeing? By Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. The former member of the O'Driscoll gang is ultimately captured by his old crew. TimesMojo is a social question-and-answer website where you can get all the answers to your questions. While the saying isnt overwhelmingly negative, it doesnt have the same positive connotations as the other tombs description. We've also got pages on how to find the Jack Hall Gang treasure, and how to get perfect pelts in Red Dead Redemption 2. Remember the town of Armadillo from Red Dead Redemption 1? You can also do Sinclair's side missions as John later on during the game's epilogue if you didn't do them as Arthur, which results in asimilar outcomefor Hamish but with different dialogue. Nevertheless, that's the last we ever hear from them. Theres no way to save Arthur in Red Dead Redemption 2. Red Dead Redemption 2 Missable Quests Guide - The game's credits depict what happens after the epilogue, showing Pinkerton Agent-turned-Bureau of Investigation Director Edgar Ross and Agent Fordham in various locations. He was born in 1859 to an unnamed father who actually fought for the Union in the Civil war, and he died at the Battle of Gettysburg, and a woman named Greta was apparently by his side. He starts coughing and his skin starts turning pale. Can Arthur Morgan Be Cured In Red Dead Redemption 2? 28 Ridiculous Hidden Details About Arthur Morgan In Red Dead - TheGamer Right afterArthur accuses Micahand thePinkertons arrive, the game gives the player a choice: help John get back to his family or head back to camp to retrieve the heist money. Is there anything that we lose and dont get back? But 8 years passed between the first and second RDR games, so it wouldnt be unthinkable for RDR3 to make an appearance as late as 2026. You can go to the vaudeville show in Saint Denis. Dutch, the man known for his words, confesses he has nothing to say; but he helps John kill Micah and wanders off into the wilderness. You lose everything at the end of the main story but get your guns back after Epilogue 1 and all your money and more back after Epilogue 2. There is, however, a loophole involved with avoiding Arthurs succumbing to tuberculosis in RDR2, even if its not exactly a cure. With Arthur- MacFarlane Ranch is there, but no noteworthy characters are found. Okay, so we get $20k in cash back after losing everything, but we also get our gold bars back because they are sellable items? This is arguably one of the biggest changes ever seen in a Rockstar character. You still retain your saddle too. I'm nearing 100% game completion and the advice I give people is this: In the case of Arthur Morgan, the man that gives him tuberculosis is Thomas Downes, who he shakes down for money. Ingrobny, burger_mike and LegendarySaiyan 3 Yes, you can keep playing after finishing the story (6 chapters and 2 parts of the epilogue). If Arthur had high honor when he died, then players will find the grave adorned with flowers and in pristine shape. In Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Will Cry When His Horse Dies If the Red Dead Redemption 2 - What Happens If You Die? Will it respawn? Because of a cholera outbreak. You can spend hours sightseeing, or completing Stranger missions, or collecting dinosaur bones, or hunting for perfect pelts. Well, the horses are gone forever: one dies during the last mission of the story campaign, and the stabled ones are apparently freed. If at the end of this mission you do not have your old guns, your game glitched. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. The very last mission. What Happens To Your Horse When You Die Rdr2? - Arew 26 minutes ago, Money Over Bullsh*t said: *SPOILER* What Do We Lose, What Do We Get Back? It'll be decorated with flowers if your Arthur led an honorable life. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absolutely colossal game in every sense of the word, and it's really easy to lose track of characters or plot strands. What do you lose when Arthur dies? Red Dead Redemption 2 contains quite an emotional ending, and regardless of player choice, Arthur Morgan will die. Both in RDR2 and in the nonfictional 1890s, the chances of Arthur Morgan overcoming such a severe case of TB would be slim to none. Once again, Dutch appears and Arthur fingers Micah as the Pinkerton rat. Dutch then silently leaves. No matter which ending players achieve, Arthur Morgans death is certain during the final mission. If not, there are commercial . In the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, the disease spread across the globe, affecting families, communities, and entire countries. Great tip for people who want all their money to carry over to the epilogue: Go to the aberdeen pig farm and let those people rob you of all your money. But if you're a completionist, and want to see everything that the wild west has to offer Arthur Morgan, then Red Dead Redemption 2 should take you a grand total of 139 hours to beat. There's currently no secret ending where he somewhat survives, fading into the mists of time under a new name. You do keep the clothes and the weapons you had purchased during the preceding chapters, but you have to get about a third of the way through the epilogue . Agent Milton shoots Hosea in the chest in front of the entire gang as a warning. Dutch and Micah want to keep riding with their money, but Arthur and Sadie go to save Abigail, refusing to let Jack grow up as an orphan. She loves travelling, drinking too much coffee, and shopping as a sport. In Red Dead Redemption 2, your actions impact the game's world and how people treat you. Mickey, the veteran in Valentine who Arthur took a moment to talk to, will give a heartbreaking monologue about what Arthur meant to him. Sadly, there is currently no release date for Red Dead Redemption 3. Even worse is how Dutch treats the Marstons, who are family to him. Also depending on your honor, you'll get an ending of Arthur's recurring dream sequences featuring either a deer getting enveloped in light (high honor) or a wolf in a storm fading into the dark (low honor), which is symbolic of his personality based on the player's honorable/dishonorable actions, and could be interpreted as Arthur going to heaven or hell due to his actions. Unfortunately, he is shot and wounded by Colonel Favours immediately after. If you go back for the money, Micah will knife-fight Arthur in the camp's burning remains. How do you talk to someone you find attractive? Red Dead Redemption 2 contains quite an emotional ending, and regardless of player choice, Arthur Morgan will die. Saved a lot of time. Arthur's grave can be found near the mountain where he died. Potential spoilers, Viking Helmet/Morion Helmet bulletproof? Similarly, the animal (not to be confused with Arthur Morgan's spirit animal) will also change. At the end of the epilogue I had ~1800 and when I completed it, there was 21800 in my pocket. Most of the map in Red Dead Redemption 2 is all-new, stretching from frozen north of the West Grizzlies down to the swampy shores of Saint Denis. Pearson is running the general store in Rhodes. For her backbone, she gets shot in the gut and dies, then and there. There's nothing in RDR2 that even hints at the idea that Arthur can muscle through his condition, or that some hermit is hanging out in the trees, ready to cure Arthur's tuberculosis with a mystical mixture of natural herbs. As noted in the endings above, he either dies from his tuberculosis, a bullet to the head, or a knife in the back. While Micah Bell might be irredeemable, in both the eyes of the protagonists as well as the players, he is at least safe from contracting TB from Arthurs blood. Once the epilogue begins, that region is open to you. Finish the game go back as john and your money would be behind the picture. There's also our complete Red Dead Redemption 2 cheats guide, a page on how to get a new horse in RDR2 if you're stranded in the middle of nowhere, and our guide on how to earn RDR2 money quickly in the wild west. Pearson is thriving after the events of "Red Dead Redemption 2." Rockstar Games Around the ranch, you can have a fireside drink with Uncle or eat dinner at the family dinner table, but you'll. In the end, Van der Linde gang traitor Micah Bell and Arthur fight it out on the mountaintop. I could barely spend the 5 grand for the achievement, and I bought 2 Arabian horses, Hell I use express ammo exclusively and that doesn't drop from npcs. Red Dead Redemption 2 takes place in 1899, well before treatments like those available today were commonplace. No matter what you do, Arthur Morgan dies. By using our Services, you agree to our use of cookies. Follow him on Twitter @JonahSchuhart, or reach him by email at This sets up the events leading into the first game, where Ross and Fordham kidnap Jack and Abigail and force John to hunt down the remaining gang members at large. In the same way, Arthur's physical decay can be seen as the degradation of the gang's strength. Where can I find the special miracle tonic pamphlet? Normally, all of Arthur Morgan's money is gone after he dies when confronting Micah Bell. Let's step over the smoldering O'Driscoll corpses, reload our revolvers, giddy-up our horses, and break down just how Dutch's gang fell from grace. On top of that, you can complete new side quests, Bounty Hunting missions and Stranger encounters (especially in New Austin) which will appear during and after the epilogue. How much longer is RDR2 after Arthur dies? - As Arthur's TB worsens, he tells Rain Falls aboutEliza, a waitress Arthur impregnated in his younger days. Molly says that she told Milton and Ross about the Saint Denis job. Tilly will even write you a letter, giving you additional information and context particularly about Karen, whom Tilly presumes is dead. View King Vercetti and All Arthur horses are Lost. Rather than observing an eagle, players will find a coyote guarding the grave. While America did tame the West and the age of the desperado for the most part ended, Jack became a gunman just for the sake of getting revenge on Ross, proof that the Wild West's spirit endured in a few remaining people. Unfortunately, there is no chance for his survival. On 11/10/2018 at 8:12 PM, ShadyCreeksKiller said: Best Work Writer's Discussion 2016 [The "I Love Karen Daniels" fanfic]. Do this before the point of no return mission "Our Best Selves". Copyright 2023 Gamer Network Limited, a ReedPop company. Both of these fights with Micah have different outcomes depending on your honor. His transformation is similar to Kurtz in Joseph Conrad's novel Heart of Darkness and its film adaptation, Apocalypse Now. If Arthur had high honor when he died, then players will find the grave adorned with flowers and in pristine shape.